Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Thursday, December 7, 2006


Everyone is asking themselves these days WWJD. I thought I would take the time to offer confirmation, disputes and explanations for things that I have recently come across, as to better serve the masses.

Now, while a pleasant idea, I do not condone pre-marital sex and since I am not Mormon, sadly, this would not be an option for me.

Yes; and I still do!

Only if you don't use your blinker.

No Budweiser...ever. Something from other than the U.S. and in a green bottle, please. A good micro brew may also do.

Yes, yes you do. Have faith in me. Leave me a message if I am not available.

I am fully aware how difficult it is to stop smoking. I do not judge and I am here for you, no matter the choices you make.

No, I would not buy and/or operate a convenience store/bar.

Just about anything.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

It is that time of year again!

Taking the kids to pose for pictures with Father Christmas is a time honored tradition, but I totally understand how difficult it is to choose the proper Santa as there are so many options.


Drunk and/or high.




Which ever Santa you choose, just make sure that your child is happy...

And give Santa a break, it is a stressful job.

It is only a nasty rumor!

Number one, it is a natural thing. Everyone does it.
Number two, my father would never do such a thing.

I was wrote a note asking dad for some guidance this morning after going through some of my baby pictures

Friday, December 1, 2006

I finally cleaned out my garage

All items are listed on craigslist. Hurry, they are sure to go fast!

A new music video